MarMix is a serious game for higher education based on a stock market simulation. Various game designs are built in the simulation in order to stepwise increase the difficulty of the game. The most advanced scenarios are developed to be run in parallel of an ERPsim simulation.
Currently, MarMix support 4 game designs:
The introduction game is designed to introduce the players to the platform. A certain number of companies’ profits is simulated, whose stocks are available on the stock market. Players are asked to place orders (ASK/BID) based on the variations of the profit. Optional transaction costs or payment of dividends can be added to the game.
The advanced game is the same as the `introduction`_ one but with more information revealed concerning the variations of the companies profits. In this games players are asked to develop a strategy based on the information they get from the market. Optional transaction costs or payment of dividends can be added to the game.
The live game is specifically designed to be run in parallel of an ERPsim simulation. The stock market hosts stocks for all companies active in the ERPsim simulation. Players are the asked to place their orders based on their own valuation of the ERPsim simulation companies. There are some simple interfaces that are built in MarMix in order to ease running each simulation in parallel. Integration is planned but not yet implemented.